Daily program (feel free to join which sessions you like)
07.00 meditation
07.45 chai & garden teas by the fire
08.15 pranayama and yoga
10.30 breakfast
12.30 pranayama & meditation (30 mins)
15.00 cooking lesson (wed, fri, sun)
16.30 yoga (mon, tues, thur, fri, sat)
Mornings begin with Chai/Herbal teas, served around the fire or on your veranda.
Breakfasts begin with a health boosting- elixir or juice with a sumptuous spread of tropical fruits to make your own fruit bowl (pineapple, watermelon, papaya, pomegranate, grapes, honey melon,strawberries and chikoo, sweet bananas, fresh grated coconut, nuts, seeds, muesli, homemade Yogurt, home bakedclay oven breads (gluten free options) with homemade pineapple conserve, nut butters and either a meditranean or south indian dish with an eggs to order menu.
A light lunch is served and afternoon tea with a Gluten, dairy free snack before the afternoon Yoga class.
Dinner is served at 7pm. Our food is super healthy, nutritionally balanced bursting with the flavours of India the middle east with a hint of the meditranian.
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